Russian Medievalist Tolkien

Another art post! I love finding stuff like this. One of the Russian versions of Lord of the Rings was illustrated by Sergey Yuhimov (or Sergei Iukhimov). Looking more like something I studied in my Art History classes in college, I would love to see an English version with these illustrations.

Gandalf arriving at Hobbiton

Gandalf arriving at Hobbiton

Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday- A Long Expected Party

Bilbo and Frodo’s Birthday- A Long Expected Party

Frodo and Sam meeting the Elves on their way to Rivendell

Frodo and Sam meeting the Elves on their way to Rivendell

Frodo rescuing his friends in the barrow

Frodo rescuing his friends in the barrow

Sam and Frodo meeting Aragorn at the Prancing Pony

Sam and Frodo meeting Aragorn at the Prancing Pony

The Council of Elrond (I think?)

The Council of Elrond (I think?)

The Bridge of Khazad-dum

The Bridge of Khazad-dum

Caras Galadhon, home to  Celeborn and Galadriel

Caras Galadhon, home to Celeborn and Galadriel

The Argonath

The Argonath

The death of Boromir

The death of Boromir

Frodo, Sam and Gollum in the Dead Marshes

Frodo, Sam and Gollum in the Dead Marshes

Gandalf and the healing of Theoden (Eowyn in the back!)

Gandalf and the healing of Theoden (Eowyn in the back!)

Merry and Pippin at Treebeard's House

Merry and Pippin at Treebeard’s House

Frodo, Sam and Gollum in Ithilien

Frodo, Sam and Gollum in Ithilien

The Ents destroy Isengard

The Ents destroy Isengard

The Siege of Gondor and Grond

The Siege of Gondor and Grond

"I am no man!"

“I am no man!”

Frodo and Sam enter Mordor

Frodo and Sam enter Mordor

The Healing Houses of Gondor

The Healing Houses of Gondor


"Here, at the end of all things..." *sniff*

“Here, at the end of all things…”

The crowning of Aragorn

The crowning of Aragorn

Oh man. There are so many more pictures I would have liked to add. Be sure to visit this blog, this article, and this page (in Russian, but all you really need to do is look at the pictures right?) for even more of Yuhimov’s Lord of the Rings illustrations.

8 thoughts on “Russian Medievalist Tolkien

  1. Reblogged this on A Pilgrim in Narnia and commented:
    Here is an absolutely gorgeous blog by Grimmella. I first met Grimmella in The Hobbit Read-Along. Here she gathers together some of the pictures from a Russian edition of The Hobbit. They really do look like plates from a medieval Bible. It makes me want to get my copy of The Hobbit bound in leather.


  2. These are incredible! Thank you for sharing!


  3. L. Palmer says:

    This is really cool!


  4. […] “Russian Medievalist Tolkien” at Grimella. This is a new blog I discovered through a random series of reblogs and links. The post contains a bunch of gorgeous medieval-style Lord of the Rings illustrations! I love me some illustrations. […]


  5. Jerry Cullum says:

    The Council of Elrond is such a close copy of a Last Supper icon that it’s fairly startling. The quotations from icon painting otherwise are mostly details, although I think The Crowning of Aragorn is pretty close to one I’ve seen before.


  6. […] ago, I shared about “Russian Medievalist Tolkien” from Grimmella, a gorgeous artistic post. And check out Steve Haye’s piece from last year, “A Soviet […]


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